This beautifully crafted book guides you in connecting with the divine...
जागतिक स्तरावर झपाट्याने होणाऱ्या बदलांना व मागणीला अनुसरून भारतातील दूध...
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy is a...
‘पडीक बंगल्याचे रहस्य’ या कथासंग्रहात लेखक मधुकर साबणे यांनी चिंतनपर कथा...
भारताशेजारच्या पाकिस्तान, बांगलादेश, म्यानमार, नेपाळ, भूतान, श्रीलंका...
पश्चिम आशियातील तणाव, संघर्ष अर्थकारणात उलथापालथ घडवतात, तेव्हा त्याचे...
भारतीय खगोलशास्त्राच्या आणि भारतीय संस्कृतीच्या प्राचीन इतिहासाची जाणीव...
दहा प्रमुख उपनिषदांमधील कथा, प्राचीन शिक्षण पद्धती, गुरू-शिष्यांचे...
आस्तिक असो वा नास्तिक, वा अज्ञेयवादी, साधक असो वा सर्व सामान्य माणूस, हे...
कौशल्य विकास, रोजगारनिर्मिती आणि पर्यावरणाचे संरक्षण यांची सांगड घालत...
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, student, or business leader, this book will help you understand how great companies continue to win, even when others fail under the same conditions.
This book delves into the world of thought leaders and their ability to challenge established assumptions and craft new paradigms to guide their organisations towards success.
This book delves into the world of thought leaders and their ability to challenge established assumptions and craft new paradigms to guide their organisations towards success.
ऑनलाईन किरकोळ विक्रीपासून सुरुवात करून अवघ्या २७ वर्षांमध्ये 'अॅमेझॉन' माहिती तंत्रज्ञानाच्या बळावर जगातील पहिल्या पाच 'बिग टेक' व्यवसायांपैकी एक बनला. 'अॅमेझॉन'ने यासाठी वापरलेल्या धोरणांचा, नीतीचा अभ्यास म्हणजे हे पुस्तक!
By bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern realities, this book aims to inspire a deeper appreciation of India's rich spiritual heritage and its enduring relevance in today's world.
By bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern realities, this book aims to inspire a deeper appreciation of India's rich spiritual heritage and its enduring relevance in today's world.
This book is a compilation of hard hitting answers of the biggest dilemmas of HR practitioners while creating the culture where employees are engaged and satisfied.
This book is the compilation of examples of finding “Human” factor in HR processes. You will get insight about Human in all HR processes, from hiring to separations.
This book is the compilation of examples of finding “Human” factor in HR processes. You will get insight about Human in all HR processes, from hiring to separations.
Inspiring Leadership Practices from the Indian MedTech Industry.